Lumecca IPL Treatment
An even skin tone is one of the surest signs of healthy and youthful skin. With aging, hypo- and hyperpigmentation become a concern for patients. Energy-based treatments, such as Lumecca, are the most effective means of restoring an even skin tone.

Lumecca is a potent, intense pulsed light (IPL) that treats pigmented and vascular lesions. After a recommended course of sessions, you will notice a significant improvement in the complexion and clarity of your skin. Lumecca operates using photothermolysis, which delivers a comfortable and effective light treatment.

Benefits of Lumecca:
-Treats age spots
-Reduces vascular lesions such as broken capillaries
-Improves Rosacea
-Does Freckle reduction
-Reverses UV-Sun damage
-Rejuvenates the skin
And much more!
Redness and a slight skin warming are normal after treatment and usually subside within an hour. Over the next one to two days, you may notice a darkening of pigmented spots. In the weeks following, the pigmented lesions will clear, leading to an evening out of the skin tone. After treating vascular lesions, you may see the vein blanch or a color change in the vessel, which will dissipate after a few days.

An improved skin appearance can be noticeable after 3-6 sessions. Multiple sessions provide even better results.

Individual results may vary, and contraindications may apply. An experienced, licensed professional must perform it.

-Hypersensitivity to light in the near-infrared wavelength region
-Sun exposure or artificial tan for four weeks before or after the procedure
-Taking medication that increases sensitivity to sunlight
-Light-induced seizure disorders
-Active localized or systemic infections or an open wound in the treatment area.
-Pregnant and breastfeeding
-Significant systemic illness or an illness localized in the treatment area
-Herpes simplex in the treatment area
-Are receiving or have received gold therapy
-Accutane (Isotretinoin) in the last 6+ months
-Unrealistic expectations of results.
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